Make a Gazillion Memories This Summer!


With BBQ season finally here, I've found the MUST have products to keep children entertained: the Gazillion Bubbles Collection! Their bubble machines and wands will keep children of all ages busy and playing outside, instead of in front of the TV. Make a Gazillion memories this summer with Gazillion Bubbles! Their top secret bubble solution makes the brightest and most colourful bubbles that are eco-friendly, safe, non-toxic and won't stain clothing or furniture!


The Gazillion Bubbles Tornado is a must have for any backyard or patio. You turn on this machine and there are literally hundreds of bubbles within seconds! It's light weight and affordable so I'm even going to bring mine to the park this summer! Be prepared to be the favourite parent in the neighbourhood with this machine!


Their bubble wands are just as fun! Zane had a blast chasing the bubbles and this is definitely something I'm going to keep in our stroller all summer. Gazillion Bubbles also has Crazy Wands (scroll down for a few pics) which are for kids a bit older than Zane but I think they would also make such awesome loot bag ideas if you're planning a birthday party this summer!

Crazy Wands - Bunny and Sticking Out Tongue.jpg
Crazy Wands - Vampire and Monster .jpg

Gazillion Bubbles products are available for purchase in Canada at Walmart & TRU Canada

Discovering Boppy


Walking into baby stores is so overwhelming at times and with so much available online it's so hard to decide which baby products to try and trust! That's why I LOVE being able to test out new products and brands and give you guys the low down on what I think! This month I'm putting Boppy to the test. First known for their pillows, Boppy was created by a fellow mama (so we know these products were designed for parents) and they now have an extensive line of baby items that range from nursing pillows, to carriers, to teething scarves and even pregnancy pillows! This month I'm reviewing their new ComfyFit Baby Carrier and their Teething Scarves


First up was the ComfyFit Baby Carrier. I'm going to be honest and say that I have never been a fan of baby carriers. I've always found them to be uncomfortable for my back, Zane hates them, and 99.9% of the time I can't figure out how to put it on properly, so I was a bit skeptical about trying out another one (I already own 3 that are all nicely packed away in a storage bin). I AM THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE that not only did I figure out how to put it on in under 10 seconds, but Zane was smiling AND it is the most comfortable carrier I've ever put on.

I am so disappointed that I didn't know about this carrier sooner. It comes with a super practical storage bag, is made from a super soft and stretchy material and it can accommodate your mini forward facing or rear facing. Putting it on is SO easy. There's a snap around your waist, you slide in your arms through 2 holes (that are labeled "right shoulder" and "left shoulder" = SO EASY) and you tie the hanging pieces around your waist. That. Is. It. I LOVE the colour, am obsessed with the fact that my husband can wear it too (and figure out how to put it on alone) and am so happy that Zane is now as comfortable as I am when using a carrier! I totally recommend the ComfyFit Baby Carrier.

I borrowed one of Zane's delicious girlfriends for this photo shoot!

I borrowed one of Zane's delicious girlfriends for this photo shoot!

Next on my list from Bobby was their Teething Scarves. I was intrigued when I saw this product online because Zane loves chewing on my face, my jewellery, my arms, shoulders, shirt (you get the point), so the idea of having a scarf that was meant for him to chew on seemed like a genius idea! They come in 4 colours (to match every outfit) and not only does Zane love to chew on them, but the fact that it's around my neck means he can't toss this teether on the floor which is a total mom win. We've all been out at a restaurant with a teething angry baby and then they decide to catapult their teether on the dirty floor... this happens to me daily. With this teether, it's around my neck, is super cute and helps soothe Zane's gums! Click here to visit the Boppy website to check out their Teething Scarfs. 

Little baby Ruby couldn't get enough :)

Little baby Ruby couldn't get enough :)

If you've never heard of Boppy, I totally recommend heading over to their website to discover their entire product line. I love supporting fellow moms and this brand won't let you down with their innovations and quality! 

DockATot aka My Life Line and Reason for Sleep


Before Zane arrived I had heard the hype around a sort of baby bed called the DockATot. It's main use was first as a tool for co-sleeping (which I wasn't sure I wanted to do) and I thought it was pretty expensive (between $165-$185 USD), but I discovered how essential it was to my sanity within 5 minutes of using it.

Zane was a super colicky baby (which we would later learn was due to an allergy to milk protein). He had horrible reflux from the day he was born, would cry for endless hours at a time, and seemed to be hungry every hour on the hour (mostly because of his constant throwing up). By the end of week 1 at home, we had exhausted the possibility of Zane sleeping in his crib (this meant I literally had to sleep on the chair in his room in order to tend to him when he cried or spit up) and we had also tried a bassinet in our bedroom which he hated - I'm not sure why, but the bassinet caused more crying than the reflux. My husband unfortunately couldn't take more than 2 weeks off work, so we needed to find a solution that allowed us (A) To get some sleep between the crying (B) Would offer Zane some relief from whatever he was going through. Co-sleeping seemed like a temporary solution and so off my husband went to buy this magical item called a DockATot which seemed like our last resort. 

I remember taking a screaming baby, swaddling him in a blanket and putting him down in the DockATot on the bed beside me. What I heard next was enough to make me cry. Silence. For the first time in a week, baby Zane seemed at peace and was fast asleep. DockATot should be called the Miracle Bed. 

Fast asleep in the DockATot at 1 week old

Fast asleep in the DockATot at 1 week old

Baby Zane is now almost 3 months old, is no longer colicky and sleeps about 5 hours a night but we still use the DockATot daily. We bring it to my parents house, my in-laws house - anywhere where there is no crib for him to sleep in. It's super light and can be brought anywhere where baby needs to sleep. I have it beside me when I'm watching TV, I bring it to the park, and in a few weeks I'm taking a road trip to Toronto and it will be coming with me so Zane has somewhere safe to sleep!

The cover is removable and washable (which is a MUST for a baby with reflux) and it comes in a variety of colours to match whatever decor and design you have in your home or baby room. It also comes in 2 different sizes (the Deluxe and the Grand) so that it can accompany your baby as he/she grows! Zane is currently in the Deluxe and it seems as though it will fit him for another few months. We will, without a doubt, be purchasing the DockATot Grand when he needs it. Since getting ours, I have recommended it to every new mom I find, and I have yet to encounter 1 who is not as thrilled as I am.

I encourage you to check out their website to see what all the hype is about. If you do decide to purchase one, I am sure you will love it as much as I do!

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