Getting Back Into Shape With A Newborn

This blog is sponsored by AfterShokz and PTPA Media. As always, all opinions and views that I have expressed are my own.

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For those of you who have been following along on my pregnancy journey, you know that we welcomed the newest addition to our growing family on April 2 - little Boston Novak. He is a little bundle of deliciousness and spends the day sleeping and cuddling. I’ve been soaking up every second of newborn bliss, but with the warmer weather around the corner (and pool season!) it’s time to get back into shape! Finding the time, energy and free hands to exercise with a newborn is not easy. I thought I would share some of my tips and recommendations for getting into shape and feeling better about your postpartum body!

For starters, you don’t need to go to a gym to start losing weight. There are SO many programs online that you can download on your phone or watch on YouTube that make working out at home a breeze. There are programs that last as little as 20mins/day or ones that give you a full-body 1 hour workout! I totally recommend starting slow. Don’t be too hard on yourself and definitely start with a reasonable goal. It took 9 months to put the weight on, so don’t expect it to come off over night!

Make sure to stay hydrated, get a good quality yoga mat so that you don’t hurt your knees, take it slow, and I recommend getting a pair of AfterShokz Trekz Air wireless headphones! Let me tell you why: They use bone conduction technology so you can listen to your music while still being able to hear exactly what is happening around you. It’s no fun and it’s definitely not motivating to work out in silence, and you most likely will be working out while your newborn naps! Using AfterShokz Trekz Air wireless headphones means that you can blast your favourite songs while being able to hear when your baby wakes up. You can also answer calls with it so when you’re in the middle of a work out and your phone is ringing, you don’t need to stop and break your momentum!


With nice weather around the corner, I also recommend going for walks whenever you can. The fresh air will do your body wonders and walking is a great way to start being more active. You’ll also be able to do it with your newborn and pushing a stroller will give you great added resistance while not putting too much pressure on your joints! When we go for walks, I always have my AfterShokz Trekz Air wireless headphones. I can listen to music, answer phone calls, catch up on podcasts and hear oncoming traffic. Traditional headphones don’t allow you to hear what’s happening around you which can be dangerous when you’re with a baby and can’t hear danger coming your way.

Overall, my biggest piece of advice to getting back into shape after having a baby is to be patient. Equip yourself with the right tools and the weight loss will come. In no time you’ll be feeling better about yourself and will be fitting back into those jeans you thought you would never wear again!

I find that my AfterShokz Trekz Air wireless headphones have really helped me during my workouts! Have you tried them before? I would love to hear about what must have product you use during your workouts!