Outings With a Toddler? Contours Bitsy Has You Covered!

As a soon to be mama of 2, lightweight, durable and practical have become my 3 fave words to describe children’s products (and it doesn’t hurt when they’re over the top gorgeous too!). Carrying around a 2 year old and a diaper bag isn’t always easy (ok it’s never easy) so I’ve turned to light weight travel strollers to save the day 🙌.  


As we prepare to go to the hospital to deliver baby #2 in just a few days, our Contours Bitsy Compact Fold Stroller will be an item we don’t leave behind. It will make navigating the hospital hallways much more enjoyable for Zane (and my husband) and it’s lightweight enough that we can easily carry it too If my son decides he wants to walk!

Whether it’s for hospital visits, park visits or just lunch at the mall, the right stroller can make or break an outing!  I always look for a few MUST HAVE features in strollers and the Contours Bitsy Compact Fold Stroller checks off every box!


1. Easy to open and close. If you have groceries in one hand or a yelling toddler (much more probable), the last thing you want is to be battling with a stroller that’s complicated to open. The Contours Bitsy Compact Fold Stroller opens with the squeeze of a button and you can do it with 1 hand because it’s so light! 

2. Large compartment underneath. A lot of the travel strollers make you compromise storage for a lighter weight which means you’re carrying a diaper bag on you (kind of defeats the purpose of a stroller.... no?). The Contours Bitsy Compact Fold Stroller can fit my large backpack diaper bag underneath with ease along with my wallet and water bottle, making it the perfect companion anywhere we go!


3. Durable. No one wants to replace a stroller everytime your child spills something or everytime you hit a bump on a sidewalk, so a well made stroller is KEY. The Contours Bitsy Compact Fold Stroller has durable and soft gliding wheels that work on pavement and grass. The material is soft but wipeable and easy to clean so it will last spill after spill.

4. Comfort. Nothing will ruin an outing faster than an uncomfortable toddler. Believe me. So when I get a huge smile or my son BEGS me to get in a stroller, I know it’s a keeper! I also look for strollers that can recline, which allows my son to take a nap on the go 🙌.

if you’re on the hunt for an affordable, practical, durable and GORGEOUS stroller (that comes in an array of colours!), have a look at the Contours Bitsy stroller! It’s available at Contoursbaby.com or Toys R Us.
