Not So Terrible Twos Thanks to My First Bear Paws

Disclosure: I have partnered with YMC and Dare’s My First Bear Paws and have received compensation for this post. All opinions are my own.

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Oh Terrible Twos, how I dreaded you for SO long. Before I knew it, my first born was 2 years old and here I was waiting for the storm to hit. It’s been quite the adventure so far (he’s now 2.5 years old) but we’re surviving and with smiles on our faces (most of the time!). It really hasn’t been as bad as everyone promised, and I think a lot of it has to do with being prepared for whatever hits! I’m sharing below my top 2 tips for surviving the “not so terrible twos” so that you can spend less time worrying and more time enjoying all of the firsts!


Keep them busy and give them their independence: A stimulated toddler is a happy toddler... and a toddler that can make their own decisions is an even happy toddler! I try, as best as I can, to let Zane explore, be independent and enjoy all of the “firsts” that come along with growing up! Since turning 2, he’s had so many fun firsts and I can’t wait to see what happens next! He picked out his clothes for daycare for the first time, he has his first girlfriend (her name is Emma), he had his first concert at daycare where they learned to sing over 10 songs and he even decided he wanted to start picking out his own snacks. It’s no surprise to me that he chose My First Bear Paws, and I’m not complaining! They’re delicious and made with only 5 grams of sugar per serving!


If you’ve been following me for a while now, then you know that they’ve been our go-to snack for over a year. They were the first snack that we ever gave Zane, and they are the only snack we trust! He loves them now as much as he loved them back then!

This is from when Zane was 1.5 years old! My First Bear Paws were our choice of snack even back then!

This is from when Zane was 1.5 years old! My First Bear Paws were our choice of snack even back then!


Always be prepared with snacks: With a growing toddler, comes the days where you feel like all they’re doing is eating! As a mom on the go, it’s so important to have snacks on hand that can easily fit in my diaper bag or purse! I also need snacks that I don’t need to convince my son to eat (no one has time for tantrums when you’re on the go!). I love that My First Bear Paws come in convenient portable packs and that Zane loves them! The vanilla flavour is sweet enough that he feels it’s a treat, but with no artificial sweeteners, colours or flavours and 8 grams of whole grains, I feel great about feeding them to him. They’re a great snack to bring along for their first swimming lesson, their first time down the slide alone at the park (they’re so delicious, they’ll probably help him make some new friends at the park too!) Zane can hold the pack himself, they’re fun-shaped and fun-sized and the portions are the perfect size for his growing body. We love to pair them with fresh fruit and sit outside for our after-daycare snack! Where do you enjoy your My First Bear Paws?
