Top Recommended Books for Toddlers by YOU!

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I love turning to other moms to ask for advice. Whether it’s pregnancy, postpartum or kid related, I’m never disappointed! I recently asked my followers and friends on Instagram for their top rated books for toddlers! Zane loves to read and I wanted to surprise him with a few new books, but walking into a book store and choosing one is like Mission Impossible. They all look the same and I have NO idea what’s age appropriate for a 2.5 year old! How many words are too few and how many are too many? I got some GREAT recommendations and not surprisingly, many of them were recommended by several different people! So have a look through the list below and happy reading!

Best Wooden Toys Under $20

If you follow my blog then you know I love children's wooden toys and the ones we have are among Zane's favourite.  I've rounded up the best on Amazon for under $20! Let me know if you have any other amazing finds that should be added to my list! Click the image or product links below for more info :)

Promotes hand-eye coordination and concepts of colour and size.

Colourful skill-building toy for toddlers and preschoolers. Promotes hand-eye coordination

Promotes hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills

Promotes colour and shape recognition and problem-solving skills.

Promotes hand-eye coordination, counting, sorting, colour recognition, and problem-solving skills.

Promotes colour recognition and hand-eye coordination.

Improves fine motor skills and colour and shape recognition

Great for hand-eye coordination and imaginative play

Features numbers, letters and pictures to identify for vocabulary-building

Brightly colored, smooth-sanded pieces help build early shape, color, and size differentiation skills

Promotes counting, colour recognition, fine motor skills, and early math skills.

Learn the theory of balance through balancing the scale and train your baby's hands-on ability

Encourages counting, sorting, pretend play, and an interest in food and nutrition.