Mom's New Fitness Plans: 5 Things You MUST Do


Getting back into fitness is a strange concoction of excitement and fear at any stage of life. However, those feelings are even more noticeable when you're a mom. So, if you're going to invest in a new and healthy lifestyle, you must do it in the right manner.

You can forget about following the plan you did back in your college days. A strategy that is tailored to mom's life is the only way to achieve your goals. Here are five key features to make it happen.

Know What You're Doing

The harsh reality is that you might not get a chance to work out with the same level of consistency that non-parents can. Therefore, it's vital that you know how to adapt your strategy. Workouts focused to your body goals will help you work smarter to ensure that progress is made even when your consistency slips. You do not have the time to waste time and effort on regimes that bring limited results. If nothing else, the professional advice will give you confidence in the process.

Make It A Family Activity

Make no mistake, there are times where you'll want to complete personal workouts either at home or in the gym. However, you can top up your cardio by playing sports with the kids. Aside from keeping the whole family healthy, it gives you a chance to create magical memories as a family. When added to the fact that this is an opportunity to spot a child's sporting talent, it is undoubtedly one of the best tips for any mom to embrace. Seeing your child smile can only enhance your new found love of fitness.


Follow A Schedule

As mentioned, you will almost certainly miss some workouts due to unforeseen circumstances. Sadly, the frequency will be far greater if you do not have a set schedule for workout times. Analyzing your schedule to free up time for runs or trips to the gym forces you to take accountability. It can have a telling influence on your mindset while the benefits can extend to other parts of your life. So, it won't only help you become a fitter mom, it'll help you become a more organized mom too.

Exercise With Friends

While a little exercise with the kids is great fun, you need time to socialize with other adults. Killing two birds with one stone through fitness classes or team sports is a great option. Those set times also encourage you to take the point above more seriously. On another note, this can be a great opportunity to introduce a little competitiveness to your workouts. When you do, you'll inevitably work harder and more frequently to spearhead an even better transformation. Every mom wants to be the best.

Accept Imperfection

Last but not least, you must acknowledge that you won't lead a perfect life. Missing the odd workout is nothing to worry about as long as you stay consistent on an overall basis. On a similar note, you should not feel guilty about a glass of wine after a particularly stressful night. Or letting your hair down at the two or three weddings you attend each year. Your new body is meant to be enjoyed. If you don't allow yourself an opportunity to do this, the effort won't seem worthwhile.

6 Essentials for Working Out at Home


Working out at home has become a part of everyone’s routine and there’s more online options and apps than ever before. You might find you’ve it’s got a bit stagnant by now and you’re not feeling as inspired as earlier in the year. This means it’s time to shake things up a little. If you’re looking for motivation to get back into it, the best thing to do is create a home gym with some exciting new equipment. 

Yoga mat

Whether you’re into your vinyasa flows or simply need a place to stretch after a workout, yoga mats are a must. They’re compact and you can roll them up and put them out of the way. They’re perfect for other activities such as pilates and physiotherapy exercises. 


Weighted armbands

You’ll be surprised just how much these add to your workout. Weighted armbands really help you turn up the heat. They’re comfortable to wear and easy to store away when you’re not using them. Check out the top ten best weighted armbands reviewed by fitness experts. 

These can be worn during a number of different exercises. Wearing resistance means you can work out anywhere. Choose between variations of weighted sleeves and cuffs and adjustable wrist weights. Whichever you go for, they’ll really amplify your workout. 

Weighted jump rope

Did you know that skipping with a jump rope burns as many calories as running? It’s great cardio to do in your yard. You can set up a circuit for HIIT training. Weighted jump ropes help to build strength and muscle mass and aren’t difficult to use. Here are some of the best weighted jump ropes in 2020. There are plenty of beginner-friendly workouts to get you started.


Exercise dice

This is another fun one for your circuits. You don’t need a personal trainer, just follow the dice! This 3 pack exercise dice bundle includes options for yoga poses, HIIT training and strengthening exercises. You don’t need any other equipment apart from a yoga mat to use them. 


Think about which weights are best for your strength building. You can opt for adjustable dumbbells or barbells. Here are the best weights to use at home this year. Have a look at a selection and the recommended use to find out which best suits you. 

Balance ball

These are useful for back and lumbar pain as well as a number of strengthening exercises. Balance balls are one of the most common workout tools recommended by physiotherapists and chiropractors. Have a read about the many benefits of a balance ball. They’re a little more cumbersome than the rest of the equipment but they can be rolled away in the garage. 

It’s up to you if you want to create a corner or small space and set up a home gym. Most of these items are compact and easy to put away. If seeing them motivates you, maybe it’s better to leave them on display. Make working out at home more fun again!

How to Create a Cosy Reading Corner in 5 Steps


As the temperature continues to drop across Australia and working from home is still encouraged despite the gradual easing of coronavirus lockdown measures, Aussies can benefit from having a cosy home. Specifically, a cosy reading nook where you can unwind and lose yourself between the pages of a book for a couple of hours would be perfect right now.

Fortunately, creating a reading nook isn’t that challenging. Whether you had your home builders construct a dedicated reading room in your home or you’re repurposing an empty space, you can design a cosy corner using the tips below.

1. Find a quiet spot

Having a cosy reading corner is like finding the perfect home. You want it to be in a peaceful and quiet place. This is why peace and privacy are two of the most important elements of a cosy reading nook. You don’t want to be so immersed in the world of wizards and witches only to be interrupted by the blare of an ARF match from the television. So, make sure the reading nook you will choose is situated in a quiet corner of the house. If you have a basement or attic, they would make for a perfect reading nook.  

2. Add a seating option

What is a reading nook without something to comfortably lie back on as you furiously flip pages? If you’re by the window, take this opportunity to install a window seat. If your nook is against a wall, you can place a comfortable couch, chaise lounge or beanbag on your reading corner. Pick something that’s long enough to stretch your body out, but small enough to feel like you’re being cocooned, for added comfort.

3. Make it comfortable

Having a couch or a bench is good and all, but you can make it better by adding throw pillows and blankets. Choose pillow covers and blankets that are made from soft and lightweight fabrics like fleece. You can also place a thick, fuzzy rug on the floor to achieve maximum comfort. Adding scented candles or diffusers with your favourite scents can also enhance your comfort while reading. With these additions, your reading corner can feel like a warm, comfortable hug, perfect for when a book is about to make you cry.


4. Make space for storage

If you’re an e-book reader kind of a bookworm, then storage won’t really be an issue. You simply have to have somewhere you can plug your device in when it needs charging because you’ve been reading for 5 hours. But for those who prefer hardbacks and paperbacks, then your reading nook needs a shelf or two. You can put a freestanding bookshelf where you can store and display your books. You can also install wall shelves using brackets for a more minimalist look.

5. Light it up

The right lighting is key for a comfortable reading nook. A huge window is perfect for letting in natural light, allowing you to read all day. But when night comes and you want to finish the last few chapters of the thriller you’re reading, then a lamp with multiple brightness settings would be ideal. In particular, warm lighting will help. Not only does it give a comfortable glow, but it will also prevent eye strain.

Whether you want to embody Harry Potter with an under-the-staircase reading nook or have a huge library in your home, making your reading corner cosy using the tips above can elevate your reading experience.


Is Having a Pet Good for Kids?

If you are deciding whether to get a pet for your family, then you’ve come to the right place. There are many benefits for children! It can be easy for children to get all hyped up about the idea of owning a pet and having one in the home, but then it is best when parents make sure that it is a positive one for them, and to make sure that the pet gets all that they need. So although it is a family decision, the parents definitely need to be on-board.

Kids will tend to think of the fun benefits and the positives of having a pet. They’re not going to be thinking about training it or having to spend more each week as now dog food needs to be included. However, parents who are experienced with pets, and even ones who will be owning a pet for the first time, will know that there is a lot of patience, effort, money, and time that is involved with owning a pet. The payoff for all is that you get to have a companion and there is really an unconditional love that comes from a pet when it is looked after and cared for. It can be completely worth it for that reason alone. 

  • Believe it or not, if children grow up in a home that has pets, particular ones that shed hair, like cats or dogs, then they grow up with less chance of developing allergies like asthma, as found in this article here: So if you yourself are prone to allergies and things like asthma, then it could be a consideration to help your children.

  • If you have a pet, especially a pet like a dog, then it will encourage the whole family to be more active. Dogs need to be walked, often a couple of times a day, and it will force you all to get out walking, whatever the weather. This can be a benefit for a number of reasons, including weight management, heart health, calorie-burning, and stress relief. 

  • On a similar note, it has been found that pet owners, particularly owners of dogs like these,, can reduce their blood pressure, just by playing with them. You get to have fun with a pet dog, and the play can be a great stress-reliever, and help to reduce blood pressure as a result. Dogs can also be great emotional support animals, which means that you and your children can feel happier mentally, as a result.

  • Having a pet teachers children a number of things, especially how to care for something else. Each member of the family can help with the pet in ways that are appropriate for their age, like taking them for a walk, giving them a bath, cuddling them, and brushing them, for example. These are great lessons for children to learn. On a slightly sombre note, having a pet that then passes away can be very upsetting, but equally, a very valuable learning lesson for the children, as teaching them about loss in a way that they can understand can be a great lesson for life.

  • Many studies in the past have shown that children who have pets often display improved social skills, impulse control, and self-esteem. There is something about having something to care for from a young age, that is going to make them a little more responsible, and less selfish. It can also teach them to have confidence and esteem in themselves, because they have the unconditional love of the pet, regardless of what is going on in school, for example.

  • Having a pet to cuddle can do a lot of things, and one of them is helping to control anxiety. This can be great for all members of the family, but especially children. Cuddling a pet can also help to reduce stress and loneliness. Even if children have friends and siblings, they can still feel lonely from time to time. Again, it is the unconditional love from a pet that can make all of the difference.

If you’ve had a pet with your children before, what else would you add to the list?

If you as a parent are thinking about a pet, but are sitting on the fence a little, then here are some positive reasons why it can be a good thing for a family, and for children to be around a pet. There are likely to be some that you won’t have thought of before, so on with the list:

4 Ways To Make Your Workouts More Effective

When you first start working out, you will notice results very quickly, but a lot of people find that they hit a bit of a wall after a few months. Their workouts become less effective and they stop seeing the results that they expect, no matter how often they exercise. This is usually when people start to lose motivation and give up on their routine. But there are some simple things that you can do to improve your workouts and get better results. These are the best ways to increase the effectiveness of your workouts. 

Have A Plan 

Consistency is so important if you want to see results from your workout plan. You can’t just do the occasional workout and expect to see an improvement. You need a consistent workout plan, as well as a diet plan, so you need to plan every element of your fitness if you want your workouts to be effective. There are some great workout plans online that will help you to make sure that you are getting a good all around workout and you are not missing any key muscle groups. 

Buy Better Workout Gear 

Having the right workout gear is so important for a few reasons. Firstly, compression gear helps to improve blood flow and oxygen levels in muscles, which improves your workout performance. It will also help to reduce muscle soreness and reduce the chances of injury, which makes it easier to get more workouts in. Finally, it has an impact on your mindset and when you are wearing all of the right gear, you will be a lot more motivated. There are some great sites, like, where you can order top of the line workout clothes. If you are serious about sticking to your workout routine, you should invest in all of the right equipment so you can improve performance and exercise safely. 

Limit Workout Time 

Many people assume that working out more often or for longer periods will improve the results, but that isn’t the case. If you want to workout for a long time, you have to lower the intensity and the results will not be as good. 30 to 40 minutes is the optimum time for a workout and any longer than that will not be as effective. It’s also important that you have regular rest days to give your body time to recover. If you don’t recover fully, you won’t be able to work as hard next time, so all of your workouts will be less effective. 

Change Your Routine 

When you do the same routine over and over, you are always working the same muscle groups and, after a while, you will stop seeing results. You’re also much more likely to get bored and lose motivation, so you need to change your routine from time to time. Visit for a great list of sites where you can find new workout routines to try. 

If you follow these simple tips, you will find that your workouts are a lot more effective and you will continue to see results.


4 Ways To Keep Kids Amused On Long Trips


If you’re like us, you might love to travel with your kids. Perhaps you are anxious for the coronavirus to be over so that you can get back out on the road and discover the best experiences that America has to offer. While you can’t travel just yet, you can prepare for the journey and ensure that you are ready when the time comes. This is particularly important if you’re planning on taking a longer adventure with younger kids. Younger children can get a little restless if they have to sit in the car for hours on end. So, how can you tackle this issue? Well, there are a few possibilities. 


You might want to think about creating some puzzles for them to complete in the backseat on your way there. Once you arrive at the destination, you’ll be able to see how well they’ve performed. You could use a word scramble maker to do this or a wide variety of other resources that you’ll find online. It’s easy to theme them around a particular topic too. So, if you are taking a trip based around American history, then you can create a scramble with words to match. This can make the game more informative and educational. 


You might also want to consider filling the time on the road with songs. After all, someone in the UK did just go viral for their family's rendition of Les Mis. We’re not suggesting you record if of course, but it does show how fun this idea can be when the whole family is involved. You can also think about focusing on classic American songs that will be perfect for a road trip across the states. You might even find a couple of different songs for each state that you pass through. 


Of course, if you want to be a little more tech-forward, then you can consider setting up a video for your kids to watch on their way to your destination. Perhaps, it can tell them a little more about where you’re going, the history and why it’s an important part of America that is worth exploring. 

While screens for the car used to be quite expensive a lot has changed. You can easily add these to your car for under one hundred which we think you’ll agree is an absolute steal. You might even find some classes of the car come with these screens built-in as part of the package. 

Bonus Point 

Finally, you do need to make sure that you are careful about the snacks that you take for a trip like this. Snacks high in sugar and additives will make kids restless all the way there. Keep things healthy if you want your children to be calm on a long trip. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the best ways that you can keep the kids entertained, even on the longest road trips. If you take the right steps here, you’ll find that they settle in comfortably for the long drive ahead. 

Ideas For How You Can Reinvent Your Look & Style


You may look in the mirror one day and not feel very good about yourself. The emotions that come over you may be frustrating and disappointing. However, stay positive because you have options and choices when it comes to improving your looks and feeling more self-assurance.

You know you want to look your best but are maybe unsure of how to go about doing so. One way to perk yourself up and feel better fast is to take steps to reinvent your look and style. While change can be scary, it can also be empowering and help you to recognize all your beautiful features. Have fun gathering ideas and going through with the transformation so that you can feel more confident as you go about your daily life.

Do Your Homework

You may find it challenging to reinvent your look and style because you don’t know where to start. Therefore, take the time to do your homework and discover tips and tricks from experts so that you can begin to update your appearance. Follow blogs and fashion bloggers and read related magazines so that you can get up to speed with what styles and looks are trending. You need to educate yourself on the matter before you’re going to be able to revise your appearance. Let this be a time to explore without judgment and to discover new ideas for how you can alter your approach when it comes to beauty and style. Toss around different ideas and options and keep an open mind so you can gain knowledge and figure out what direction you want to head.

Choose the Right Eyewear

If you wear glasses, then you may be doing yourself a disservice if you’re not choosing an appropriate pair for your face and style. There are many fashionable and chic choices on the market that are worth exploring further. One reason you may be holding back is that you know that eyewear can be pricey. Therefore, conduct your research regarding why are glasses so expensive and tips for buying a pair that’s both affordable and fashionable. The right type of eyewear can go a long way in highlighting your best facial features and helping you to feel more self-assured about your appearance.

Organize Your Makeup Bag

Another way you can reinvent your look and style is through your makeup choices. Take the time to go through your makeup bag and organize it by throwing out old items. Fill your bag with the essentials and new and fresh colors that will help you to stand out and look more beautiful. View makeup tutorials online and learn from the experts about how to apply makeup the right way so that you can instantly transform your overall look. Discover what changes you can make for different occasions such as if you’re going to work versus a night out on the town with your friends. If you typically don’t wear makeup but want to start, then begin by putting on the essentials such a blush, mascara, and lip color. As you experiment and become bolder with your choices, you can move to a smoky eye or red lipstick as a change of pace.

Go Bold & Add Color

You can’t be afraid to go bold and add color to your outfits if you want to update your look and style. Mixing and matching colors and patterns can go a long way in helping you to transform your current fashions. Black is and always will be in style and a staple. However, it’s a wise idea to branch out once in a while and add a little fun and elements of surprise to your attire. You won’t know if a garment looks good on you or not until you try it on, so don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and put on an item that may be out of your element. You may find that adding colors and patterns help to bring more energy and life to your style.

Update Your Wardrobe

One reason you may not like the way you look is that your clothes are outdated. Clothes are a way to express yourself and tell the world who you are and what you’re all about. They have the power to make you feel good inside and out. Therefore, go through your closet and get rid of or donate what you no longer wear and pieces that you find are behind the times. Reinvent your look and style by giving yourself a fashionable foundation to choose clothes from when you get ready each day. Purchase staples that you can mix and match and wear for any type of occasion. It will also help you if you understand how to dress for your body type and wear clothes that show off your best features and assets.

Consult with A Hairstylist

It may be time for a new hairdo if you’ve been wearing it the same way for years. You can reinvent your look and style by getting a new cut and color that’s more fashionable. Consult with a hairstylist and allow them to give you their honest and professional opinion and then be willing to make changes based on their recommendations. You can keep your hair looking nice and shiny by purchasing the right hair products and going to the salon to get it done frequently. Learn how to style and blow out your hair at home so that you can get the look you want on your own.


When in doubt, turn to accessories to make any outfit look better instantly. Accessories are a budget-friendly and easy way to reinvent your look and style. All it takes is having the right pieces available to you to throw on when you want to spruce up an outfit and add some sparkle to it. For example, you can invest in a colorful handbag and attractive pieces of jewelry to help you achieve this goal. Depending on your taste, you can mix it up by playing around with gold, silver, and decorative items. All it takes is small tweaks and additions here and there, and you’ll be able to create a more stylish and appealing look for yourself.

Get A Manicure & Pedicure

It’s also a wise idea to keep your nails looking healthy and well-maintained if you want to look better overall. Reinvent your appearance and style by going to the nail salon and investing in a manicure and pedicure frequently. Nails are now a way to make a fashion statement, and nail polish can go a long way in helping to improve the appearance and style of any outfit. If you can paint your nails yourself, then change up the color often so that it’s complimentary of what you’re wearing at the time. It’s especially important to keep your toenails painted and looking pretty in the summertime.

Commit to A Skincare Routine

Another way for how you can reinvent your look and style is to get glowing skin. You can do this by committing to a regular skincare routine. Purchase products that will help you keep it clean and get rid of any blemishes. Be sure to wash your face nightly to remove your makeup, wear sunscreen regularly, and moisturize it to maintain healthy and beautiful skin. There are products out there that will help you to achieve fabulous results so that you can have more confidence. You’ll feel better about yourself and being out in public when you have clear and glowing skin to show off.

Take Care of Your Well-Being

Your look and style may be suffering because you’re tired or don’t have the energy to put into improving your appearance. One way to turn your thinking around and get a better look is to take good care of your well-being. Some ideas for how you can do this are to meditate, exercise, and eat healthy meals so that you can reduce your stress. These activities are going to help you clear your mind and feel more relaxed daily. One reason you may struggle to keep up with your appearance is that you don’t take the time for it. Prioritize yourself and your well-being, and you’ll be on your way to looking and feeling your best. Improvements such as getting decent sleep and hydrating with water will give you more energy, better skin, and fewer dark circles under your eyes.  


These are a few practical ideas for how you can reinvent your look and style. You’ll not only look forward to getting up and getting ready each day, but you’ll love the compliments you begin to receive from others. It may take some time before you can implement all of these changes and notice that they’re working in unison, so be patient with yourself. No longer will you wonder what it’s like to feel beautiful because you’ll be experiencing it for yourself. Have fun and enjoy the process of transforming your style and being able to enter a room with your head held high.

Grieving: 5 Things To Remember When You Lose Someone


An occupational hazard of having loved ones is the knowledge that you will lose them someday. Not to be morbid, but there is one certain that is final in life, and it's not paying taxes! Still, even though the majority of us understand that the process will happen at some point, you might not be ready for when the time does come.

Grieving is an incredibly difficult and challenging period that feels as if it's never going to end. However, letting your emotions consume you isn't healthy as it can lead to mental health problems, such as depression. Maintaining wellness is an essential part of the process. After all, your loved ones wouldn't want you to be sad forever.

You owe it to them and yourself, as well as your family, to be a rock. And, you can achieve this goal by remembering five vital aspects of grieving. Hopefully, the following will put you in a better place when you have to deal with loss.

It Isn't Forever

The feeling of loss can feel as though it is going to last forever because of the finality of death. However, expert counselors liken the process to a wave or a rollercoaster ride - one minute you're down, and the next, you're at the top. In essence, this analogy is useful because it shows you that there will be ups and downs, but there is an endpoint, too.

A technique that comes in handy for other grievers is to spot the emotions coming. By doing this, you can ride the crest of the wave that is your feelings to understand your behavior better. Or you can surround yourself with people and things that you love so that you aren't alone.

Loss is intense in the beginning. Like everything else, however, it gets easier with time.

Avoidance Isn't Helpful

Of course, it's human nature to want to run away from your feelings. It's simpler not to address them than to work through the mess that is your emotions. Plenty of people do this when dealing with loss, and they seem to think it works. And it might help in the short and even medium-term. But, the decision will haunt you in the future.

Why? It's because bottling up your emotions makes them stronger. So, you can avoid and avoid them until you can't push your feelings down any longer. Then, like a cornered animal, they strike out, leading some people to have a meltdown. While a break down might be unlikely, there's no doubt that running away from the issue won't help you to recover.

As tough as it is, the only option is to tackle it head-on from the beginning. That way, you'll preserve your long-term mental health.


Markers Are Focal Points

Once you realize that you must figure out your emotions, you also understand that you can't do it alone. Okay, anything is possible because you are stronger than you know. Still, it's healthier to use basic yet effective markers that absorb your grief. Go to and you'll see the most common type of method for channeling your loss. A headstone is an excellent way for you to continue to speak and remember your loved ones even when they are gone.

However, it isn't the only tactic. A fantastic alternative is to celebrate birthdays and big occasions like you would if they were here. This is particularly useful because party vibes are positive and happy and will put you in a good mood. Think of it as a celebration rather than a memorial. Check out for more inspiration.

Also, you shouldn't stick to the status quo. If you create a loving way to remember and engage with a deceased loved one, then it's effective and should be part of your grieving process.

Be Gentle

The mind is a complex thing, so it's easy to make mistakes that have lasting effects, especially when you're sad. Therefore, it's imperative that you are gentle with your progress to maintain your brain's wellbeing. Merely understanding that dealing with emotions takes time is a simple trick to put your ability to grieve into perspective.

On the flip side, please don't forget about your body. The mental and physical are inextricably linked, so if one fails, the other will follow. When you're sad, making excuses is straightforward. Who's going to yell at you for not working out or sticking to a diet? However, nutritious food and exercise are two essentials because they keep your body ticking along.

As a result, stress won't build and intensify your feelings. Also, the nutrients from your meals should prevent fatigue, another factor of depression. In the spirit of taking it gently, please don't go overboard and try and work out or maintain too strict a diet. Remembering that you have a responsibility to your body is often a strong enough reminder.


You're Not Alone

It might sound cliche, yet it is the truth. Typically, the average person has several family members, so the death of a loved one shouldn't take away everything you have in the world. And, that's the trick - to realize what you have instead of what you don't have. Whether it's a partner and children or siblings, they will ensure you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Of course, some people might not have close family members or friends to act as their support group. Never assume that this means you are alone because there are programs to help you deal with loss. Seeing a therapist or attending group therapy sessions are fantastic grieving methods as they show that you aren't on your own. Plus, you get the chance to share, which is a perfect way to tackle emotions.

For those who have to reconnect, it's not too late. Yes, you and your brother or sister don't speak often, yet this is the time to wipe the slate clean. has five great steps to follow if you need advice.


Remember that you are not alone and have options. That way, your emotions won't last forever.

6 Stunning Places For Your Engagement Shoot

Like life, love is a journey too. It can take you places you never thought you can reach on your own. And what better way to express your wanderlust than to have a destination engagement shoot.

Pack your bags, ready your passports, and get ready for a trip to remember. You'll have so much fun with these destinations that you'll consider getting married abroad


Here are the six best places to have your engagement photoshoot: 


The first thing to consider when going overseas for your shoot is whether you want to bring your photography team with you or just hire a local one. If you decide to do the former, Hawaii is an excellent choice. Being part of the US, you wouldn't need to worry about passports and visas. 

Hawaii offers breathtaking land and seascapes as your background. The agreeable climate is also a plus. The beauty of nature has everything you need to make your photos and your trip extra memorable. You can even take this time to do some R and R before the rush of the wedding planning goes full blast. 

Saint Tropez, France

This country-esque town in the French Riviera will make for some rustic but chic shots. The light colors of the unpretentiously timeworn small building backgrounds will bring out the life in every pose you make. There's just something about an old French town that subtly hints contentment. Moving away from town, you'll also find serene fields where your photos will take on a slightly more adventurous feel. Feel the breeze and let your hair down. It's easy here.

Top of the Rock, New York City

Gazing out from the pinnacle of man's creation, you'll feel like royals with New York City's skyline as your kingdom. Here, you can wear your long dresses and tuxedos as you make your power poses. You can choose which time of the day to have your photos taken — each one conveys a vastly different emotion. 

According to US News, the Top of the Rock offers some of the best views of Manhattan.

London, UK

Whether you want your photos taken with the iconic Big Ben behind you, or you simply want to walk the brick-covered streets, London offers a rich selection of venues for your shoot. The city blends history and modern life beautifully. Your pictures will show both sophistication and sentimentality at the same time. London also has quiet parks and riverbanks where you can steal some sweet moments.

Havana, Cuba

The vibrant streets of Havana will add excitement to every photo. The old colonial structures of the city will give you a glimpse into its rich history and will add meaning to your shots. You should wear bright colors here and just have fun.

Santorini, Greece


One of the most recognizable places in the world, Santorini offers beautiful white and blue backdrops next to a serene Mediterranean Sea. You'll feel like eloping here simply because of how picturesque the place is. Making photos look good in this classic IG spot is effortless, especially with love as the theme. 

You can't go wrong with any of these six destinations. You can even hire a team of professional wedding videographers to make sure you don't miss every vibrant scene along the way. 

Rolling Back The Clock: Combating The Signs Of Aging

There is no one out there that is 100% okay with the signs of aging. Spotting wrinkles around the eyes, dull whites of the eyes and tiny lines around the mouth? They’re all normal signs that the years are moving by, but we don’t want to hear about it from other people. We know what aging is and we know it’s going to happen at some stage, but when we feel young and sprightly we don't always want to face up to that fact! 

Accepting our aging process isn’t easy, which is why we want to roll back the clock when we can and combat the signs of aging along the way. We cannot stop it from happening, but we can stop it in its tracks as much as possible!so, with these habits below, you can start combating the signs of aging and making life a little freer of wrinkles!


A Balanced Diet

The most important thing to help you through the aging process is a balanced diet. You want a diet rich in nutrients and packed with iron, vitamin A and C and essential fats, too. All of these things are necessary in the process of fighting aging, with vitamin C reducing those fine lines and wrinkles, and vitamin A reducing dark spots. Along with this, you also need to have enough water throughout the day to keep yourself balanced and the brain hydrated. The better your brain feels, the more energy you’ll have.

Avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol as you’ll wear the effects of these on your skin.

Consistent Exercise

If you keep up with your fitness regime, and you exercise consistently, you will strengthen your body and maintain your shape. You need to improve your energy and stamina and supply essential nutrients and oxygen to the brain. You need to stay alert, and fitness and exercise is going to ensure that you do just that. Alongside this, working out keeps you from getting overly stressed out, and that leads to speeding up the aging process.

Medical Management

Prevention is better than cure and when it comes to your health, you need to keep up with that. Take the time to go to doctor’s appointments and health examinations and be aware of the signs of disorder that can lead to the signs of aging.

Good Beauty Regimen

More than anything, you need an excellent beauty regime. Cupping, microneedling and chemical peels are all excellent ways to pamper your skin. Your skin is the first place that reflects the signs of aging and if you're not looking after it with a solid skincare routine, you should start now.

Symptoms of aging that are found in skin are thinning skin, dry skin and wrinkles. The fine lines around the eyes and mouth, the crow’s feet are all indicative of aging skin. Add to this the sun damage, insufficient sleep and improper use of makeup (such as not taking it off at night) and you have a recipe for aging skin. The good news is that there are plenty of anti-aging treatments that you can indulge in and make your skin feel and look fantastic. 

Look After Your Hair

Our hair reflects our age as much as our skin does, with greying strands and obvious dryness. When you get older, the hair thins out and becomes brittle, and the best thing that you could do for your hair is to use natural ingredients and zero chemicals. There are plenty of natural hair cleaning solutions, though, and with less washing and heat, you can keep your hair in excellent condition. Use oils in your hair weekly and you can ensure that you are massaging your scalp to promote better blood flow, too.

Strengthen Your Nails

As with hair and skin, your nails show your age, too. Weak nails will split and break, and without enough vitamin B in your diet, you are going to see those weakening effects pretty quickly. Use gloves when you clean to avoid harsh chemicals on your nails, keeping them as healthy as possible. 

Look After Your Eyes

We’ve talked about the skin around your eyes, but the real problem is the general look of your eyes. The whites of your eyes need to be bright and moist, not dull and dry. Any wateryness is too moist, though, and you should try to keep your eyes as healthy as possible. Use eye drops every day to keep them moist if necessary!

How to Prepare Your Kids for College Early


All parents want the best for their children, especially when it comes to education. College is not only important; it's a given for most families. While most kids would start getting ready for university life in high school, right before they get thrust into it, some would argue that it is best to prepare them earlier than that.

Here are ways to get your kids excited about uni:

Make them enjoy learning

As a parent, one of the best things you can do for your child is to instill a zest for learning as early as possible. Make learning fun for them. How you can accomplish this has a lot to do with respect. Parents need to take a moment and put themselves in their children's shoes to think if this is how they would want to be treated in a similar situation.

Homework would become a chore if you force your kids to do it on their own. Maybe they would like to do it alongside you, but not with you, like while you are computing your bills or working from home, as a sign of camaraderie. Give your kids some leeway to finish their homework on their own terms, and praise them when they do.

Foster learning outside school and the home, and take your children to historic destinations or fun museums, where they can learn while being entertained. Make it more fun by asking them questions and being enthusiastic about the subject matter at hand. If you think the activity is fun, your kids would be more likely to think the same.

Do not hover

Check yourself if you are being a helicopter parent who keeps hovering over their child. According to an article in Psychology Today, helicoptered kids get very anxious and depressed during college due to their inability or lack of ability to solve problems. Kids with controlling problems struggle with dealing with failures and independence, which are both natural parts of life.

Oddly enough, some people attribute the rise of helicopter parenting to the heightened competition in university admissions. As parents, we need to know when and where to draw the line between supporting and encouraging our children versus downright taking charge of their lives.

Let your kids choose

Allow your children to decide for themselves within safe and reasonable parameters, like the extracurriculars that they would want to participate in. This way you will be teaching them that they are a person separate from you, and who are capable of charting the course for their own future.

If you want to enrol them to special programs, like an International Baccalaureate diploma program, consult the matter with them. Do not enforce it. Explain what it is, how it would benefit them and maybe its drawbacks, and ask them if it is something they want. Respect whatever decision they make, and avoid pestering them about it.

We all want the best for our children, but they should have a say in the matter, too. Raise your child to become their own person so they're ready to take on college and the rest of the world.

Types of Facial Treatments for the Management of Acne


Acne marks one of the most common skin conditions nowadays. While generally seen in adolescent girls in the past, acne presently cuts across all generations and sexes. It is among the most devastating issues people contend with. Even the most expensive makeup products do little to mask the signs of the condition. Moreover, some of these products worsen the condition. You do not need to forego prescription medication for acne, but you can boost their results with a facial.

A reputableskincare clinicbased in thePhilippineshas several facial treatments that will go a long way in alleviating the symptoms associated with acne. While they will not cure the condition, a facial will calm it, while others will tackle issues left over after you have completed the prescription medication for acne. The following are thefacial types used for acne:

Classic Facial

This comprises the standard procedures of a facial, including an exfoliating scrub, steaming, the application of a facial mask, and massages. Some centers also use moisturizers and toners for classic facials. The procedure allows the dead cells on your skin to be removed, thus leaving the skin hydrated and with an even tone. Classic facials work wonders for whiteheads and blackheads that can be extracted. Decongesting facials are a variant of classic facials that focus on unblocking you skin pores using an extractor tool.

Microdermabrasion Facial

This is a noninvasive management process that uses a handheld device to gently exfoliate your skin's top layer. The treatment takes 30 to 40 minutes and is followed by a moisturizer application. Microdermabrasion will leave you with an even skin tone and smooth and bright skin after a few sessions. While often used for blackheads and whiteheads, skin discoloration and depressed scars associated with acne will also improve after the treatment.

LED Facial

In this facial type, your skin is cleansed using an LED machine. The machine emits blue, red, and white infrared lights. The white light penetrates the deep layers of your skin to even out the skin tone. The blue light will kill off bacteria that cause acne, while the red light will encourage collagen production. LED facials work for sensitive skin and pimples. They have noticeable results after one session.

Brightening Facial

This will use a mix of serums that contain antioxidants, acid peels, and masks. A brightening facial reduces the discoloration that is common after the clearing of acne pimples. It does this by either encouraging melanin production or the shedding of your skin's top layers. The facial will also improve your skin's texture.

Enzyme Facial

Enzymes are the naturalelements that encourage the body's regeneration of new skin cells.The enzymes used on your skin in the peels of fruits will break down the keratin protein in dead skin cells. In so doing, they leave you with even-colored and smooth skin. Enzyme facials work best for those with skin discoloration and depressed scars.

Acne, unfortunately, does not stop affecting your life once you finish treatment. The facials mentioned above are what you need to get your life on track even when undergoing prescription-based treatments. But they should be handled by a certified clinic and a trained professional to guarantee their safety and efficacy.

Malunggay Oil: What This Oil Can Do for You


Do you suffer from hair loss, skin breakouts, and other immunity problems? Moringa oil has some healthy answers to that. Moringa or malunggay is from the moringa tree which is native from countries like Bangladesh, India, and Afghanistan. Malunggay oil and its benefits can help you address some of the issues mentioned above. Here are some of those:

For Skin, Hair, and Inflammation

The skin can benefit a lot from malunggay oil. You can apply it on dry skin, as it has moisturizing properties. It also has an antibacterial property that purifies the skin and protects it against allergens and other harmful environmental elements.

Moringa oil is also good for the hair since it acts as an antioxidant and emollient. Its antibacterial properties also help in protecting the scalp, thus eliminating dandruff. It can make the hair shiny and healthy. It's also good for inflammation. It can alleviate symptoms of arthritis, sore muscles, joint pain, and chronic fatigue. Likewise, it can vanish tissue swelling and other acute health problems.

Immunity and Other Health Problems

Malunggay oil is good for immunity. Compromised immunity is a cause for other diseases like cough and cold because your body can't handle natural factors that cause illnesses. Using this oil can help you combat that. It's rich in omega-9 fatty acids, vitamin E, and vitamin C that flushes out free radicals. It also helps the organs to avoid inflammation problems and health strain. Vitamins C and E are both good for the immune system.

You can also use this oil for treating ulcer and other stomach pain. It contains active compounds and antioxidants that ease gut inflammation. It promotes healthy digestion and normalizes bacterial levels. With this, acidity and other related conditions are lessened.

One of the most promising benefits of malunggay oil is that it can lower blood pressure. Its omega-9 fatty acid or oleic acid stimulates the blood circulation, which helps reduce the cholesterol levels in the body. Due to this, heart attacks, atherosclerosis, and strokes are kept at bay. It's important to use malunggay oil in moderation, though, because it contains behenic acid which is saturated fat. Too much of it can cause heart problems so use moderately.

Other Things Malunggay Oil Can Do for You

Malunggay oil can help you sleep better. Its behenic acid has soothing properties that help the body to relax. There are also other compounds found in this oil that can soothe the muscles and cause a feeling of calmness, thus a good sleep. You can also apply malunggay oil as aromatherapy for the temples or chest because it acts as a sedative.

Lastly, it can slow down the aging process. Its anti-aging properties can lessen wrinkles and the sagging of the face. Its antioxidants also help combat free radicals so that the aging process can slow down. That said, it can minimize skin fatigue and normalize oil secretion. It gives a natural glow due to its purifying effects.

You should use malunggay oil if you have some problems with your hair, skin, and other parts of the body. Using it will help you naturally treat health conditions. This is better than buying prescription medicines, which are not only expensive but also contain a lot of chemicals. With that, choose only natural products for your overall health.

2 Potential Benefits of the Keto Diet (and a Word of Warning)


Out of all the diets that you’re likely to encounter these days, few have the broad popularity and impressive claims behind them as the keto diet does.

Among other things, keto advocates suggest that the diet can make you smarter, help you to lose weight, make you stronger, help you to sleep better, cure all sorts of diseases, and more.

It may be that you’ve read about the keto diet in a health magazine, or seen some of the keto diet shark tank hype. Whatever the case may be, here’s a little look at some of the potential benefits of the keto diet, along with a word of warning.

The keto diet really can help you to lose weight quickly

Research is pretty conclusive about this fact – the ketogenic diet really can help you to lose weight quickly, in large part because it deprives your body of its default and preferred fuel source (carbs, in the form of glycogen) and forces it to tap into your existing fat stores to sufficiently fuel itself.

It may not be exactly right that a keto diet is the best way of getting ripped. Your body always adapts quickly to severe dietary alterations, in order to try and maintain homeostasis. In other words, you’re likely hit a certain plateau of weight loss that you struggle to move beyond, while on your keto diet.

Nonetheless, if you want to shed some pounds in a hurry, you can potentially supercharge your fat burning – at least over the short term – by eating very low-carb.

The keto diet may have cognitive-enhancing and neuroprotective effects in certain cases

The ketogenic diet was originally used as a medical intervention to help reduce seizures in children certain health conditions, in the early 20th century.

Today, the therapeutic use of the diet for seizures has been superseded by various medications. But, many people do report that a keto diet has cognitive-enhancing and neuroprotective effects for them, personally.

When your body is in a state of ketosis, your brain switches from running entirely off of glucose, to running on a combination of glucose and – to a significant extent – ketones. It’s literally being fuelled differently, at least in part, and certain medical professionals such as Dr David Perlmutter argues that ketones may be a superior fuel when it comes to maintaining cognitive health.

If you struggle with chronic brain fog and nothing else has helped, you might want to give a keto diet a go.

A word of warning: keto and hormone levels, sustainability, and exercise performance

Advocates of the keto diet generally promote the idea of remaining in ketosis permanently – and it’s important to keep in mind that this is a very unusual situation, in the context of human evolutionary history.

All ancient human populations that we know of – including ancient hunter-gatherers – were omnivores. Even Eskimos, often considered the original meat-eaters, would seek out plant matter from the bellies of the animals they hunted.

What’s more, there have been plenty of remarkably healthy populations out there who have relied almost exclusively on high-carb plant diets – such as the Kitavan islanders.

There is some evidence that your body really doesn’t like being without carbs for a prolonged period of time – and cases of low testosterone levels, and other forms of hormonal dysregulation are frequently reported on a keto diet.

What’s more, carbs are an essential fuel source for high-intensity activity – and people on very low-carb diets will routinely “hit the wall” much sooner than their carbed-up counterparts, even though they may perform better at lower-intensity endurance exercise.

Finally, it’s important to realise that a keto diet is very tough to sustain over the long term. Even one doughnut or a slice of bread might hypothetically be enough to throw you out of ketosis.

Hair Care: Keep Your Hair Manageable During Monsoon Season


When monsoon season in the Philippines begins, expect downpours from time to time. Apart from preparing for potential floods, you should also protect your hair from the rain and humidity caused by the monsoon.

Monsoon Weather Changes Your Hair 

A few drops of rain can make your hair frizzy and unruly instantly, especially if you have natural curls. Hair fibers have keratin proteins that form two different bonds, namely:

  • Disulfide bond – this is a permanent bond that provides strength to the hair.

  • Hydrogen bond – this is a more temporary bond, which is weaker than the other. This bond forms when the hair goes wet to dry.

Hair experts explain higher humidity and moisture in the atmosphere increase the bonding that makes each fiber fold back on itself, resulting in frizzier and curlier hair. This weather condition affects any type of hair, from pin straight to kinky curly.

Fortunately, you can prevent your hair from becoming frizzy and voluminous during the monsoon season.

Preventing Hair from Drying

Using the right products and proper hair care routine can help you tame your frizzy hair. Gentle yet potent malunggay oil, for one, is an excellent addition to your hair care products. It helps moisturize your scalp, which is ideal if you have dry scalp. The plant is also packed with nutrients and antioxidants that help strengthen your hair.

Since Metro Manila has high humidity, ask your hairstylist to give you a haircut with blunt lines. This style helps tame the hair down because the haircut keeps the weight. Getting a layered or textured haircut can make the ends weak and wispy.

You can also find hair products formulated to fight the frizz and give you smooth and healthy hair. Use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, and apply hair oil to give your locks extra protection against environmental elements that can cause damage.


Hair Care Routine for Changing Weather

Like skincare, it’s helpful to adjust your hair care routine to suit the climate. Your routine should meet the needs of your hair during the entire monsoon season.

Here are the top three hair care routines to practice:

  • Shower with cooler water – although hot showers are relaxing, the hot water is like humidity and can raise the cuticle. You can also rinse your hair with cold water to seal your hair cuticles and enhance shine.

  • Use your towel wisely – towels have fibers that can disrupt hair cuticle. Instead, use a towel with softer fabric or a soft cotton T-shirt to dry your hair, especially if it’s curly.

  • Apply products immediately for visible results – waiting too long to apply anti-frizz products after showering makes them less-effective because the fuzz starts forming instantly. Make products more effective by applying them through your strands after drying your hair gently.

This monsoon season, keep your hair happy with the right products and treatment; proper hair care won’t give you dry and frizzy hair. As an added precaution, bring hair oil with you to polish your hair instantly wherever you go.

Different Ways Children Learn and How You Can Support Them


In pre-school, teachers employ varied styles to conduct their lessons. If students need to learn about shapes, they're given pieces of plastic or wood that they'd have to insert in similarly-shaped holes. If they need to learn about the different continents in the world, teachers often make them use different colours on a map. To learn how to spell, teachers invent silly, catchy songs.

But, as children progress through school, the special ways by which educators teach become fewer and further between. When students reach high school, they learn mostly through textbooks and PowerPoint presentations. While those types of learning may work for some students, others who have different learning styles may struggle.

What does learning style mean?

Essentially, learning style pertains to how a person perceives, organises and recalls information. This means that there are different ways every student comprehends what's taught in school.

Currently, there are four commonly recognised learning styles. Since there's only one teacher per subject in international schools in Manila, meaning one teaching style, it can be challenging for your child to keep up. But, by determining which of the following learning styles your child prefers, you can provide support at home so they can excel in school.

1. Visual (Spatial)

Children who are visual learners prefer studying images and having spatial understanding. They need to be able to see things to understand them. You'll know if this style best suits your child one if it is easier for them to learn from visual representations like graphs and charts.

How you can help: Visual learners thrive when they see how something is done. So, whenever possible, use a visual demonstration when helping your child at home. When helping them review for an upcoming exam, flashcards can help them remember the information they need to.

2. Aural (Auditory-Musical)


 Sound and music are the best friends of aural learners. They may have a hard time digesting texts on page but can memorise a song or understand a speech with ease.

How you can help: Aural learners benefit from a supportive parent who is open to being their study buddy. Verbally reinforcing information will help your child retain it.

3. Verbal (Linguistic)

This learning style tends to overlap a bit with aural, but verbal learners prefer to study words both in speech and in writing. If your child loves to read and has an easy time memorising poems, they're likely a verbal learner.

How you can help: Verbal learners do not need much from you. They can simply read their notes aloud and process the subject through verbalisation. But, you can be their sounding board as they review the things they're learning out loud.

4. Physical (Kinaesthetic)

Kinaesthetic learners best understand information by physically interacting with a tactile representation of it. If your child adapted easily to the use of an abacus, for instance,  or loved to play with clay when they were younger, they're likely a kinaesthetic learner.

How you can help: Ever hear of the term "hands-on approach"? That's what this type of learner needs when studying. You can help your child review by bouncing a tennis ball back and forth when they answer questions. As long as you ensure that they're moving while studying, they're good to go.

Each person has a different way of interpreting things. So, knowing how your child does it and doing your part to support them will help them succeed.

The Best Birthday Gifts For a 1-Year-Old


Struggling to find the right gift for a first birthday? Whether it’s your own child, a niece/nephew or a child of friend, why not consider some of these ideas?

Baby clothes

A first birthday could be a great opportunity to splash out on some adorable new baby clothes. Technically this is more of a gift for the parents than the baby, but that shouldn’t matter – it’s as much of an opportunity for the parents to celebrate as it is the child. Besides, one-year-olds may starting to develop an interest in the clothes they wear.

Push-along toys

It’s around the one year mark that many kids are building the strength to walk. Push along toys can be great for building the confidence to walk by oneself. Think toy lawnmowers or toy prams – these will continue to get use long after mastering walking.

Rocking toys

A lot of kids around this age also love rocking toys. There are all kinds of versions of this toy from traditional rocking horses to other bouncing animals that may produce sounds or glow up. One year olds may need help getting on these toys at first but may soon be able to easily climb on themselves.

Bath toys

Bath toys can help infants to start associating bath time as something fun. There are all kinds of different bath toys out there from rubber ducks to toy boats to squirting toys. You may even be able to find more elaborate toys that glow up or produce bubbles.

Musical instruments

A lot of one years olds will interested in the sounds that objects create. This is a great time to introduce simple instruments aimed at kids like xylophones, bongos, tambourines and even simple keyboards. Musical toys could encourage kids to stop banging and clanging on other household items. There are also plenty of other toys that can produce musical sounds.

Stacking/puzzle toys

There are plenty of toys that can encourage infants to fit things together such as stacking cubes in a certain way or fitting certain shapes in certain holes. These are great for developing problem-solving skills at this age. Consider gifts like Duplo sets and books with jigsaw pieces in.  

Art supplies

Around the one year mark, kids may also start to want to scribble or finger-paint. Consider sets of crayons and paper or paints that allow a child to experiment with colours and get messy. There may also be mess free toys to consider such as etch-a-sketches – parents may appreciate this more if you’re buying for a one-year-old that isn’t your own!