4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike by VTech


Looking to start some early holiday shopping? Well then listen up! We tested out the 4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike by VTech - the tricycle that can easily transition as your child grows! I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I LOVE buying things for Zane that will last longer than a month... no parent likes to spend money on a toy and then be putting it into storage a short while later. This tricycle is for children from 9 months old - 6 years old and has 4 different stages to accommodate them :).

Stage 1 is the stroll stage - with a 3 point harness and a stroller type handle to push your little one along! It has a foot rest and a sun shade above their head too! Stage 2 is a training stage - the stroller handle is still attached along with the 3 point harness, but your little one can move the pedals and practice cycling! Stage 3 is for the more independent 2-4 year olds and allows them to be free of the harness and stroller handle! Stage 4 is a drifting stage that allows you you enable the wheels to spin freely and glide - this almost guarantees a good time!


Besides the 4 stages, the 4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike also has an interactive electronic panel that simulates a real motorcycle, and includes a horn, an ignition switch and even a gear shifter! It plays music as the pedals move and has direction sensors to help your little ones learn 'left' from 'right'. It even has unique content for each stage so your little one will never be bored! Zane loves it already and I'm so excited to watch him enjoy it for many years to come! My fave feature is the stroller-like handle... it means Zane can sit and have the time of his life pushing the buttons and feeling like he is free... but I don't have to chase him while he's doing it! #momwin

Click here to visit VTech's website to see the 4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike and learn more about its awesome features!