5 Awesome Loot Bag Ideas for Babies and Toddlers!

Get 15% off of everything below as well as all regular priced items at at Elfe.com using the code ZANE15. It's only valid until March 23, 2018 (certain restrictions apply) so don't wait!

Are you looking for creative, amazing and practical loot bag ideas for your child’s next birthday party? Look no further! I’ve rounded up my top 5 loot bag ideas for babies and toddlers (and chose 3 of them for Zane’s birthday party last month! You can click here to read all about his Jungle Themed Birthday). I went on the hunt for loot bag ideas that kids would be able to enjoy long after the party ended and I hope you love these ideas as much as I do! You can also get 15% off of everything below as well as all regular priced items at at Elfe.com using the code ZANE15. It's only valid until March 23, 2018 (certain restrictions apply).


1.     Sip N' Snack Cup: This is a cup that’s perfect for self-feeders and kids who can sip from a straw. It’s an adorable and practical loot bag idea that that the kids will want to start using the second they leave the party! It’s a sippy cup and snack container all in one! It has a genius snack container on the top and a sippy cup on the bottom. I decided to sweeten up the bag a bit and add some candy to the loot bags too! We gave these away at Zane’s Birthday Party to the children that were 2 – 5 years old. Click here to find out more!


2.     3-Step Teether Set: We had a few babies at Zane’s party that where under 9 months and so what better gift than colourful, texture filled teethers that will help soothe their sore teething gums? This 3 pack of tethers is awesome because it covers your mini from start to finish during teething! Click here to find out more!


3.     Bath Time Toss: What’s more fun than bath time? Nothing once you have this colourful floating octopus! This Bath Time Toss is great for kids 18 months+ and they’ll have a blast playing with it in the bath. Zane is only 1 year so he doesn't quite understand that he's supposed to toss the rings on the tentacles but LOVES it none the less :) Click here to find out more!


4.     Plush Teething Blanket: This is one of Zane's fave toys at the moment. It’s a teether, a little lovey and has crinkle paper inside so it’s a toy that keeps him entertained as well! I love how colorful it is, the price point is great for loot bags and parents will thank you for sending their kids home with such a memorable and useful toy! Click here to find out more!


5.     Snack Keeper: This cup is PERFECT for children who are at the finger food and snack age. Zane loves to feed himself but also loves tipping over his bowls (and this mama does not love constantly cleaning my floor). It has a special flexible opening at the top that keeps the snacks in, but lets your minis stick their hands in to grab out the snacks! I decided to add some Puffies into the loot bags so that they could start enjoying their bowls asap! I also added in a plastic spoon as a little bonus so that the parents could use the bowl for other things as well. Click here to find out more!


Make sure if you pick these up, you get an extra one for your mini because they won’t want to let them go once they see it (the struggle is real when you pick out great loot bags lol!)

Don't forget you can get 15% off of site wide at at Elfe.com using the code ZANE15. It's only valid until March 23, 2018 (certain restrictions apply)!


My 3 Tips for Finding the Right Baby Bottle

The search for the right bottle for a new baby can be a long one. Every baby is so different and even as they grow, their preferences can change overnight. There are so many bottles on the market all promising to do different things, so I'm going to share with you what I looked for and why I'm recommending the Baby Brezza Bottle (they are sold at Buy Buy Baby and at Walmart)


1. Find a bottle that is EASY to clean with as few parts as possible - Many of the bottles out there, specifically the one's designed for anti-colic, have 3, 4 even 5 different parts. No one wants to be taking apart a 5 piece bottle to clean multiple times a day. The Baby Brezza Bottle, for example, is an anti-colic bottle with only 2 parts and a TruFlo Vent System to minimize colic and discomfort from gas so there is no need to give up function for simplicity. You can have it all in a bottle with Baby Brezza!

2. Find a bottle that mimics the shape of the breast and nipple for an easy transition in feeding - Whether you are breast feeding, formula feeding or both, any bottle that closely resembles the natural breast will make your feeding journey easier. It means your mini will inhale less air while drinking and will have an easier time switching back and forth from bottle to breast. The Baby Brezza Bottle has an ultra wide mouth and a breast-like nipple which will help avoid nipple confusion!

3. Make sure the bottle you ultimately choose is easy to hold, both for you and your mini - the shape and weight of a bottle is so important. You will be using bottles for the first year, if not longer of your baby's life, and the ultimate goal will be to teach your baby to feed themselves. A bottle that is too heavy, too thin, too wide or an awkward shape will not only be a nuisance for you, but will make it difficult for your baby to learn to be self-dependent! The Baby Brezza Bottle has an ergonomic design that is easy to hold and it is super light weight making it great for every stage of feeding!


We loved that the Baby Brezza Bottle was easy clean with only 2 parts, was light weight and easy to hold, and that the shape mimicked the natural breast so Zane hasn't had to deal with extra gas from air intake. The cute sayings on the bottom were just a bonus!! 

These bottles are sold at Buy Buy Baby and at Walmart!

4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike by VTech


Looking to start some early holiday shopping? Well then listen up! We tested out the 4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike by VTech - the tricycle that can easily transition as your child grows! I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I LOVE buying things for Zane that will last longer than a month... no parent likes to spend money on a toy and then be putting it into storage a short while later. This tricycle is for children from 9 months old - 6 years old and has 4 different stages to accommodate them :).

Stage 1 is the stroll stage - with a 3 point harness and a stroller type handle to push your little one along! It has a foot rest and a sun shade above their head too! Stage 2 is a training stage - the stroller handle is still attached along with the 3 point harness, but your little one can move the pedals and practice cycling! Stage 3 is for the more independent 2-4 year olds and allows them to be free of the harness and stroller handle! Stage 4 is a drifting stage that allows you you enable the wheels to spin freely and glide - this almost guarantees a good time!


Besides the 4 stages, the 4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike also has an interactive electronic panel that simulates a real motorcycle, and includes a horn, an ignition switch and even a gear shifter! It plays music as the pedals move and has direction sensors to help your little ones learn 'left' from 'right'. It even has unique content for each stage so your little one will never be bored! Zane loves it already and I'm so excited to watch him enjoy it for many years to come! My fave feature is the stroller-like handle... it means Zane can sit and have the time of his life pushing the buttons and feeling like he is free... but I don't have to chase him while he's doing it! #momwin

Click here to visit VTech's website to see the 4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike and learn more about its awesome features!

VTech's Pop-a-Balls™ Drop & Pop Ball Pit™ is a Total Hit!


With an active little boy, I'm always on the hunt for toys that will not only keep him interested, but help him learn and grow while being able to withstand the kicking and hitting and biting (the struggle is real for most of our toys!). VTech's Pop-a-Balls™ Drop & Pop Ball Pit™ is Zane's newest obsession... and I have a feeling it will remain his favourite toy for quite a while.


Pop-a-Balls™ Drop & Pop Ball Pit™ is literally everything my son loves, put into one toy with bright coloured balls that can be easily folded and stored! The ball pit comes equipped with 30 balls and a ball net that lights up, counts and is really interactive.  The net counts to 10 as the balls are dunked in, and it also makes animal noises and talks! Zane is having fun, learning to count, learning about animals AND developing his motor skills by trying to get the balls in the hoop and by pushing the levers! Every time the levers are pressed, the activity panel makes different sounds and the balls either go down the slide or into the reservoir at the bottom... and Zane's all time favourite feature? The orange lever in the middle that literally propels the lightweight balls in the air! This ball pit makes him scream, laugh and giggle all at the same time, while entertaining him longer than any other toy so far- can I really ask for more? 


The organized side of me also loves that it can fold up and easily be put away when he's not using it. Our home is already taken over by baby toys so I was so happy to see that Zane's newest obsession was so well thought out by VTech! The balls stay in the centre of the pit and the sides just fold over!

Pop-a-Balls™ Drop & Pop Ball Pit™ is so stimulating and really is exactly what I look for in toys - it's fun and entertaining, while also being super educational (and being able to fold it up and store it is a bonus!). It was like I had the ball pit from Zane's favourite park in my living room... I'm pretty sure this makes me the coolest mom in his little eyes! My dog Rambo was in heaven too :)


You can click here to visit VTech's website and to learn more about this great educational toy!