DIY Mother's Day Handprint & Footprint Gifts

We LOVE DIY crafts (well I do at least... Zane loves to play with paint - so it's a win-win) and what better time to make one than Mother's Day? All moms LOVE DIY crafts from their kids and even more so from their grandkids! Zane and I got to work and created the most adorable gifts for his Grandma and Great-Grandma this Mother's Day.


Start of with finding the pieces you want to decorate. Make sure to thoroughly clean and let them dry. Some materials are more porous and will need to dry over night. This step is SUPER important. Often ceramic and porcelain products are covered in a film or dirt and the paint won't properly stick unless it's clean. 

Choose your paint colours. We used the paint below and bought a thinner because I didn't want it to go on too thick. 


Optional: Paint Brush - You'll need one if you decide to write something on the jar or piggy bank (such as the date, your child's name etc.). I also used a thick paint brush to paint on my son's hands and feet. You could also just mix the paint in a bowl and press their hand/foot in it.

Once your tray is clean and dry, map out the design you want. You want to know EXACTLY where you're putting your mini's hand or foot once it's covered in paint because it won't be fun trying to keep them still if they're younger. I recommend doing this project with someone else so that one of you can place the foot or hand in paint and make the print and the other can stop your baby from crawling away covered in paint. 

Follow the directions on your ceramic paint. If you used the same one as I did, let it dry overnight, then bake for 35 mins at 150 degrees. Then it's ready to package and send off!

Tips: Definitely find a place to date your artwork. It's always nice to look back and see when the art project was made. I definitely recommend doing the hand print before the decorating because it's the hardest part. I needed to wash off my son's handprint several times before getting one that was perfect and the rest of the design would have been ruined had I done it first!


Happy Crafting! I would love to see the artwork you create so don't forget to tag me in your posts! @mrsnewmommtl


xox Tovah


4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike by VTech


Looking to start some early holiday shopping? Well then listen up! We tested out the 4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike by VTech - the tricycle that can easily transition as your child grows! I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I LOVE buying things for Zane that will last longer than a month... no parent likes to spend money on a toy and then be putting it into storage a short while later. This tricycle is for children from 9 months old - 6 years old and has 4 different stages to accommodate them :).

Stage 1 is the stroll stage - with a 3 point harness and a stroller type handle to push your little one along! It has a foot rest and a sun shade above their head too! Stage 2 is a training stage - the stroller handle is still attached along with the 3 point harness, but your little one can move the pedals and practice cycling! Stage 3 is for the more independent 2-4 year olds and allows them to be free of the harness and stroller handle! Stage 4 is a drifting stage that allows you you enable the wheels to spin freely and glide - this almost guarantees a good time!


Besides the 4 stages, the 4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike also has an interactive electronic panel that simulates a real motorcycle, and includes a horn, an ignition switch and even a gear shifter! It plays music as the pedals move and has direction sensors to help your little ones learn 'left' from 'right'. It even has unique content for each stage so your little one will never be bored! Zane loves it already and I'm so excited to watch him enjoy it for many years to come! My fave feature is the stroller-like handle... it means Zane can sit and have the time of his life pushing the buttons and feeling like he is free... but I don't have to chase him while he's doing it! #momwin

Click here to visit VTech's website to see the 4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike and learn more about its awesome features!

VTech's Pop-a-Balls™ Drop & Pop Ball Pit™ is a Total Hit!


With an active little boy, I'm always on the hunt for toys that will not only keep him interested, but help him learn and grow while being able to withstand the kicking and hitting and biting (the struggle is real for most of our toys!). VTech's Pop-a-Balls™ Drop & Pop Ball Pit™ is Zane's newest obsession... and I have a feeling it will remain his favourite toy for quite a while.


Pop-a-Balls™ Drop & Pop Ball Pit™ is literally everything my son loves, put into one toy with bright coloured balls that can be easily folded and stored! The ball pit comes equipped with 30 balls and a ball net that lights up, counts and is really interactive.  The net counts to 10 as the balls are dunked in, and it also makes animal noises and talks! Zane is having fun, learning to count, learning about animals AND developing his motor skills by trying to get the balls in the hoop and by pushing the levers! Every time the levers are pressed, the activity panel makes different sounds and the balls either go down the slide or into the reservoir at the bottom... and Zane's all time favourite feature? The orange lever in the middle that literally propels the lightweight balls in the air! This ball pit makes him scream, laugh and giggle all at the same time, while entertaining him longer than any other toy so far- can I really ask for more? 


The organized side of me also loves that it can fold up and easily be put away when he's not using it. Our home is already taken over by baby toys so I was so happy to see that Zane's newest obsession was so well thought out by VTech! The balls stay in the centre of the pit and the sides just fold over!

Pop-a-Balls™ Drop & Pop Ball Pit™ is so stimulating and really is exactly what I look for in toys - it's fun and entertaining, while also being super educational (and being able to fold it up and store it is a bonus!). It was like I had the ball pit from Zane's favourite park in my living room... I'm pretty sure this makes me the coolest mom in his little eyes! My dog Rambo was in heaven too :)


You can click here to visit VTech's website and to learn more about this great educational toy!

bblüv Üvi 4-in-1 UV Sterilizer for Pacifiers, Bottles and Sippy Cups!

As a new mom, I'm always looking for that must have product that will make my life easier. When I was pregnant, I started making my list and sent my husband shopping as soon as baby Zane arrived (I'm a bit of a procrastinator and probably should have bought it all before... my poor husband lol). I was super surprised to discover that there was a portable UV sterilizer that no one had told me about! Available at Canada's Baby Store, the bblüv Üvi 4-in-1 UV Sterilizer is a gem that has changed my day-to-day as a mom completely! You can scroll to the bottom of this post to see my video review :)


This amazing product is about the size of an orange, super light-weight, and runs on 2 batteries. It can easily fit into any diaper bag, purse or kitchen drawer. In 3 minutes, it kills 99.9% of germs and can be used on pacifiers, baby bottles, bottle nipples, and sippy cups! It's as easy as placing it on top of the bottle/sippy cup, or inserting the pacifier, pushing a button and then waiting 3 minutes. No more carrying 4 pacifiers everywhere you go incase your little one decides to throw it on the ground, no more worrying about how to sterilize bottles when you're on the go... the 4-in-1 UV Sterilizer does it all. I will never leave the house without it, and I can't wait to take my next road trip or flight. Zane - bring on the pacifier throwing! I can handle it now :)

The only question I have is: Where has this product been hiding? Because every new mom needs one now! Click here to visit Canada's Baby Store.

See my video review and demonstration here using a Dr. Brown's Glow in the Dark Pacifier (also available at Canada's Baby Store): 

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Was Pregnant

Pregnancy for new moms is a world of unknown. No amount of reading, blog searching and talking to friends will ever prepare you for what's in store - which is in part because every pregnancy is SO different. Even women who have more than 1 child will attest that no 2 pregnancies are the same. Some women are blessed to have easy, stretch mark-free pregnancies, while others are on the opposite end of the spectrum. As a first time mom, I thought I was prepared for pregnancy but looking back, there are definitely things I wish I would have known! Hopefully my list helps you future mommies!

1. You will experience raging emotions for no reason at all

I remember calling my very pregnant friend M. one day and her telling me she had just finished crying uncontrollably because she had ordered a hamburger and they forgot to put on mustard. At the time I thought she was a bit nuts and laughed to myself about how I would NEVER be that crazy. I don't even really PMS so I was sure that pregnancy hormones would be a breeze to control. Fast forward 3 years, and I found myself on my kitchen floor sobbing because my 4 year old scratched and old leather boots had rust on the buckle LOL. Totally irrational. I remember my husband walking in on me with a look of panic on his face until he understood why I was crying... he then started laughing at me which made me sob even more. 

There is absolutely nothing you can do about the overwhelming surge of hormones and emotions that will hit you at one point during your pregnancy- and its ok! Just accept the ride and hope for the best. I think that acknowledging that you are a bit nuts will help save your marriage and sanity. I have a few pregnant friends who tried hiding their craziness and taking to them now, they confirm that it only made things worse for them. I woke up some mornings and told my husband:  brace yourself - today will be an emotional day. He then knew to be EXTRA nice and to bring me home snacks and food in order to try to avoid a full blown meltdown :). I think that warning your significant other, work colleagues, and even friends that you aren't in the best mood certain days is a great way to guarantee some understanding if you snap or seem a bit emotional. You can't expect people to know how you're feeling, so don't be shy to speak up!

2. You won't be prepared for the ways in which your body will change

When I found out I was pregnant, I expected the big belly that would eventually come and I expected my boobs to grow a little bit.. I mean that's normal when they fill up with milk for breast feeding right? What I didn't expect was everything else. I found my body changing on a daily basis and Google was the only one who I felt I could turn to for my embarrassing (but totally normal) changes. Time and time again, Google (and later on my OBGYN) reassured me that these changes were all part of the wonderful journey of pregnancy. I'll go into further detail in a different blog post, but a quick summary of the main changes that I experienced were: pigmentation changes under my arms, groin, and belly, larger feet (PERMANENTLY), super painful and sensitive breasts, painful joints, sciatica nerve pain, excruciating heart burn and hang over-like nausea. 

3. Don't plan your pregnancy journey ahead of time - it might disappoint you.

I started off my pregnancy by exercising 4 times a week, drinking healthy smoothies, I stocked up my fridge with fruits and veggies... I was doing everything right. 8 weeks in, the nausea hit. The only thing that stopped my throwing up was greasy food, and since the nausea was 24/7... so was my intake of cheeseburgers. Along with my nausea, also came swelling. Not the typical type of swelling that often accompanies the end of pregnancy, but the type of swelling that made it impossible to wear shoes, rings, watches and even necklaces! Can you imagine how swollen you have to be to not be able to wear a pendant necklace!? Because of the swelling and apparently the position of my baby, I had horrible sciatica pain and couldn't walk, sit or sleep. I started seeing a massage therapist to help with the pain, but it forced me to stop going to the gym. Because of all the swelling, the greasy food and my lack of exercising, you can guess what followed next: stretch marks. I couldn't believe it. I was always skeptical about whether oils and lotions worked to prevent stretch marks but I figured it couldn't hurt, so I bought the entire aisle at the drug store and used every product religiously during my pregnancy. My mom had no stretch marks from when she was pregnant so I was sure that I was in the clear. NOPE. The lovely stretch marks on my stomach decided to show up at week 37 (just when I thought I had made it through pregnancy without them). All this to say that I had a plan when I started my pregnancy: I was going to be healthy, eat healthy and love life, but everything slowly fell apart. I felt an immense amount of disappointment for not being able to have the dream type of pregnancy that I so often saw on Instagram. I was pissed off that I was fat, in pain and generally unhappy, but there was unfortunately nothing I could do. The swelling made me high risk and I was soon not even allowed to go to work. I was never able to go back to the gym, and even now postpartum, my doctor after 8 weeks has finally given me the OK to start again. I had this vision of a perfect pregnancy in my head and I feel that it made my reality that much more disappointing. There isn't much I could have done differently, and for my next pregnancy, I'll make sure to have lower expectations (the only one being to have a healthy baby).

4. Nesting is a real thing and it will hit you like a ton of bricks

I imagine nesting feels a little different to every mama, but for me, it was an overwhelming sense of urgency to have the baby room set up and to have everything perfect. It was a physical, emotional and mental obsession that I couldn't get rid of. I was due March 4th (baby Zane came a bit early on Feb 28th) and my nesting hit full force around January. Before then, I was in no real rush to have anything ready. I was actually extremely tired during my pregnancy and the idea of setting anything up beyond the crib was exhausting. When my nesting kicked it, I all of a sudden started setting up cabinets and dressers and going to baby stores and buying chairs (obviously waiting for my husband to help me was out of the question... that was too logical for my mommy brain). I spent hours every day washing clothes, scrubbing the floor, dusting - and it wasn't limited to the baby room. I all of a sudden had a compulsion to re-organize my entire house. From top to bottom, no drawer would be left unturned. In retrospect - and for my next baby, knowing that this urge is coming, I will definitely make sure to start before I am 7 months pregnant. Have you ever heard of the saying: slow and steady wins the race? I think this applies to anything to do with pregnancy LOL. The farther along in your pregnancy you get, the harder moving becomes and you will constantly feel out of breath - so the smaller the belly the easier it will all be :). 

5. Your husband might disappoint you (ok he definitely will) at some point.

Let me start off by saying that I have the most amazing hubby. I am super fortunate and he really did try his best to make my pregnancy as easy as possible for me. I didn't lift a finger (until the nesting started LOL) my entire pregnancy and he really did try his best to not disappoint... but lets face it... they aren't and never will be pregnant. Your husband will never understand what it feels like to have a human growing inside of you. He won't understand why you're so tired and although he'll try, he won't understand why its so depressing when you find your first stretch mark. He won't understand why you're so sad about gaining weight - he'll tell you you're beautiful and that you're pregnant so it's normal. Your husband may also not get as excited as you for the big baby milestones. I remember my hubby came with me to my first few ultrasound appointments but after that lost interest until he could hold his son in his arms. I also remember running to him the first time the baby kicked and him not really understanding why I was so excited. My piece of advice to you is to try to not kill him LOL. Because attempting to strangle him won't make him understand and although it'll help you relieve some stress momentarily, you'll need him shortly after to go get you some ice cream from the freezer!

xox Tovah

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