REsolve to REfill this New Years with Primo! (Copy)

This post is sponsored by Primo® but, as always, the opinions expressed in my post are my own.

As a mom of 2 boys, my new year’s goals and resolutions have shifted drastically over the years. What used to matter seems so unimportant when I think about our environment and the condition we’re leaving it in for our children. I strongly believe that it’s not too late to make an impact but we need to start now, and so I’m determined this year to reduce plastic waste in our home by parting ways with single-use bottles and it’s not too late for you to join us too! What better time to get a new water dispenser in your home than now? I challenge you to resolve to refill with Primo It’s an easy change to make and your body and the environment will thank you!
With all the water brands on the market, why did we choose Primo ? There are a few reasons, but for starters, there are over 25,000 refill stations across the country and many are found in and outside of stores that I shop at daily, making it easy and convenient to refill when needed! Ours happens to be in the grocery store where we buy our food every week and I love that my son who is with me when I grocery shop, can see me making this change and I have an opportunity every time we refill a Primo bottle to explain to him the importance of reducing plastic waste. You can easily find the nearest refill station by visiting the Primo website and putting in your zip code!
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My son is only 3, so for now he just enjoys helping me push the button on the refill station and watching the bottle fill up with purified water, but as he grows up and understands the reasoning behind why we made the switch, I hope he’ll follow in my footsteps! 

The second reason we chose Primo was because of their huge selection of water dispensers! Whether you want top loading, bottom loading, machines that brew coffee or that dispense water for your pets, they have it all. We chose the Smart Touch Deluxe Bottom Loading Water Dispenser . I love the sleek design, the touch screen makes it easy for my whole family to use the machine and the bottom loading feature makes it a breeze for anyone to switch out the bottles!

 I love that my son enjoys filling up his sippy cup because I’ve noticed that he drinks more water now and has stopped asking for juice all the time! The machine is simple to use and has actually made drinking water fun for him. When is the last time you were able to convince your children that something as healthy as water was fun to drink? A feature that I adore is the hot water control. It allows me to turn it off when we’re not using it so that my son doesn’t have any unexpected accidents but it’s also so easy to turn on and enjoy  at the end of a long day when I want to make a quick cup of tea!

Another huge reason why we chose Primo over the other brands is because of its multi-step purification process that includes reverse osmosis. Its unique purification technique removes or significantly reduces the presence of chlorine and chlorine by-products, bacteria and parasites, heavy metals (including lead and mercury), trace levels of pharmaceuticals and many more contaminants. Who doesn’t want highly purified water for their family?
If you’re ready to make a positive change and impact on our environment, join me this year and make the switch to Primo! You can visit the Primo site to explore all of the gorgeous and modern water dispensing units or head to your local Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, Kroger or similar grocery store to see them for yourself. It’s time we all take a part in saving our oceans and landfills from unnecessary single-use plastics and what better way than with Primo because each 5-gallon Primo bottle saves 1,100 single-use bottles from ending up in the trash! Visit the Primo website and sign up for text messaging to receive a 20% off coupon code + free shipping on your purchase! You can shop for you dispenser by clicking here, you can shop their empty 5-gallon water bottles by clicking here and you can shop for a non-spill cap (it makes it easier to refill at the refill station) by clicking here!

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Primo.

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